October 15, 2018


GOD knows all; GOD sees all! He is omniscient. Down south they use to sing "He sees all we do; He hears all we say. My God's a' writin' all the time."
     Proverb 15:3 declares: "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good." THE MESSAGE paraphases it like this: "God doesn't miss a thing—he's alert to good and evil alike."
     Doesn't this fact instill in us the healthy "fear of the Lord" so often referenced in the Bible? We can't hide anything from God. Our sins will find us out; He makes sure they do.
     "It had been an unusually hectic weekend, and I decided to put off doing housework until Monday", so a housewife tells. "As I was curling up with a book, old friends phoned. They were in town and wanted to stop by. I tore around the house, dusting and vacuuming. Time was running out when I grabbed ples of dirty dishes and put them in the oven. The doorbell rand. THERE STOOD MY FRIENDS ......WITH A FROZEN PIZZA.

- Dick Christen