August 13, 2020


FOLLOW YOUR HEART? This is a popular mantra nowadays. Is this a worthy piece of advice? The answer is "no." And to do so is foolishness! (See the verse below.)  Rather, pursue wisdom. Do take the time to study Proverbs 2. It sets forth a necessary and ardent quest for wisdom which leads directly to God and His revealed Word. Obeying this Word aligns our hearts and lives with Him, and that is wisdom personified in the seeker. In other words, follow God and not your own heart. The Holy Scriptures have  a principle or directive for every activity of one's life. 
     "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But he who walks wisely will be delivered" (Prov. 28:26).
     The reading and study of the Word of God for the purpose of discovering the will of God is the greatest of holy disciplines. Yes, and as vital as prayer is, imbibing the Bible is more vital. The Bible is God talking to us. Prayer is us talking to God. Which is more important?And so, loving the Bible, the will of God is revealed. The will of God obeyed produces Christ-likeness and God-honoring character. The old self would rather have its own way. It ever resists what God decrees. We may well become miserable until we turn God's will from a sigh to a song. 
     All heaven is waiting to help those who will discover the will of God and do it.  The sincere Christian is obsessed with finding and doing God's will. Again, study Proverbs 2. Notice the search for wisdom - the intense search, the discovery of God. God speaks, we listen and obey and thereby walk in the light and wonderfully find ourselves on the path of wisdom or God's very best for us. THINK BIBLE! It's God showing us how to live. 

- dick christen